We now carry products from Gruber Farms!
If you don’t find what you’re looking for in our freezer, you can order from Gruber Farms out of Shippenville, PA, to pick up at Core Goods every other Friday of the month! Orders are due by 5PM on Thursday and are ready to pick up when we open on Friday (10AM). If you can’t pick up your order in the morning, we are happy to hold it in our freezer until you can.
October 18
November 1
November 15
November 29
Find item lists and contact the farm to place your order:
(814) 782-6280
We are also a drop-off location for Baytree Farm lamb out of Emlenton. Warren doesn’t have a regular drop-off day–he brings orders as they are placed. Contact Baytree at:
(814) 671-3922